Backlist Projects

The graphics on these pages are for personal projects or challenges to read part or all of an author’s backlist or for a fun way to track which of their books I’ve read. Graphics may also be found in my Instagram highlights.


noun. back·​list ˈbak-ˌlist. : a list of books kept in print as distinguished from books newly published.


I almost kept my first (Laura Frantz) project completely to myself, then I made a graphic to track my progress and as others on Instagram began to take up that first challenge, I added the hashtag. I love it to bits when they use the graphic, tag me or use the hashtag!

If you’d care to take on any of these challenges yourself and use any of these graphics, please use the hashtag when posting them on social media and leave my Instagram account watermark visible. Giving credit for them is appreciated as well (@yvette_bookworlder on Instagram, @bookworlder on X/Twitter).

While I refer to all of these as backlist projects and catch-ups, I do include each author’s front list (meaning most recently and/or next to be published), the intent is to catch up on all of an author’s published work.

Use the graphics as a resource, a reference, a checklist – whether for a full blown project or a bit of a catch-up. You might read one a month or more, treat the date of an author’s next release as a target date (a pre-order makes a fabulous reward, though each book read is a reward in itself) or simply read as the mood takes you. There are no formal rules, no schedules, except what you make for yourself. Whatever source, format, and order you choose, the end goal is to read and enjoy backlist books.