First Line Friday–Treacherous Trails

Welcome to First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books.

It’s been one of those weeks where I can’t seem to get more than a page or two read, and I am only a few pages in on Dana Mentink’s Treacherous Trails, but I’m determined to get it read before it disappears from my Kindle on Saturday (the library came through, but they will be taking it away for the next person in line).

I’ve been waiting anxiously to read this follow up to the first Gold Country Cowboys series from Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense line, Cowboy Christian Guardian (that the author was kind enough to send me), and if the first chapter is anything to go by then it will be an exciting, suspenseful story.

Here are the first (few) lines:


“Ella Cahill rubbed her eyes as she climbed behind the wheel of her old van and sipped tea out of her thermos to revive herself.  The pounding behind her temples was becoming more and more painful.  Probably fatigue.

No, Ella.  No, it’s not…

Now it’s your turn…

Join me in opening your current read or the book nearest to you and sharing the first line in the comments, then head over to Hoarding Books to see who else is participating and join in on the fun there, too. 

Happy Friday and Happy Library Week!

22 thoughts on “First Line Friday–Treacherous Trails

  1. Happy Friday! My FLF comes from a book I will be reading soon, Her Fear by Shelley Shepard Gray…….

    Until that moment, Sadie Detweiler hadn’t thought mere words could hurt so badly. But as Harlan continued to speak, each word cutting her as deeply as if it were a shard of glass, Sadie felt her heart was bleeding.

    Have an awesome weekend and Happy Reading!😎

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooooo. I know what you’re talking about! I think I’ve barely read a few pages this week, and I’m not complaining because it was a good week. BUT I do miss reading.

    I read the first of Dana’s series too, and I remember being pleasantly surprised and really enjoying it.

    First line:
    “I am not sure I will live long enough to finish this account.” – The Man with Two Names by Vincent B. Davis II

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  3. Over on my blog I’m sharing the first line from The Weaver’s Daughter by Sarah E. Ladd. Here I’ll share the first line from chapter 30.

    “Henry winced as he gripped the newel post and pivoted from the stair’s landing to the next flight of stairs.” — The Weaver’s Daughter by Sarah E. Ladd (first line from chapter 30)

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Today on my blog, I am sharing the first line from Chasing the Wind by Paula Scott. Here I will post the first line from the prologue of Romeo and Juliet. It’s the book closest to me right now because I’m currently teaching it to my 9 Honors kiddos.

    “Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood make civil hands unclean.”

    Have an excellent Friday and a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, that instantly brings back memories of 9th grade (and getting to spend time in the library when I didn’t have a signed permission slip to watch the Zeffirelli film).

      Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend!


  5. Happy Friday!
    My FLF is from one of my favorites by Terri Blackstock called Covenant Child.
    “There’s a question that haunts me in the blackest hours of night, when wasted moments crowd my dreams and mock the life I know. The question is this: How could a child born of privilege and promise grow up with nothing?”
    Hope you have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. haha i love your note to Ella – such a great book!

    My current first line is from Kathy Herman’s Only By Death – “Liam Berne was about to commit murder – at least according to Arkansas law.”

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Two words: unicorn shirt! Hilariousness in the midst of all that tension!

    I’m reading Julie by Catherine Marshall right now. The first line is: “Our 1928 Willys-Knight had been climbing for at least ten miles, one hairpin turn after another, under a threatening sky.”

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  8. My first lines come from Lexi Blake’s Close Cover.

    “The light in his face blocked out the view of the man interrogating him. Remy blind in the glare and sighed. He should have known things wouldn’t go the way he’d hoped it would.”

    I’m featuring lines from Lacey Black’s upcoming release My Kinda Player on my blog. I’d love you to stop by!


  9. I just finished this book last week. Hope you are able to finish it before the library takes it from you 🙂

    My first line comes from the book I am currently reading, Lone Witness by Rachel Dylan and is short and to the point “Guilty.”

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